Thursday, September 11, 2008

Test Everything

1 Thessalonians 5:21-22. “Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.”

A dozen words in three simple sentences. But they say a lot! First, we infer that are going to see good and evil every day. Our post-modern perspective gives lots of leeway to attitudes, beliefs, words and behaviors that are different than our own. And it is great to have an appreciation for our differences. However, scripture says that there is a line between good and evil. Every different opinion and behavior is not necessarily good, nor even okay. Some will be evil.

Which brings us to the second point: we need to make a judgment or evaluation. The common pushback to this thought is that we are not to judge others. And that is correct. God is the only judge of people, and he will judge you and me and everyone else one day. Then what are we to judge? We are to judge others’ words and actions. Paul says, “Test everything.” Measure the words and actions we encounter in our culture against the yardstick of good and evil. Is it good? Hold onto it. Is it evil? Avoid it.

Finally, we need to ask ourselves what yardstick to use. Personally, I use the yardstick of scripture, which is pretty clear on the subject. In simple terms, those words and actions that fulfill God’s two primary commandments to love him and love others are good. Those words and actions that tear down and abuse God and others are evil. So let’s not be afraid to name evil when we see it – and to avoid it.