Friday, January 30, 2009

Jesus Loves You and Me

Matthew 9:35-36. “Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”

Much of what people think of when the word “Christian” or “church” is mentioned is negative – and often with good reason. Since all people are sinful, we frequently do not represent our faith well.

So a long time ago I gave up defending Christianity and the church. Instead, I just talk to people about Jesus. I believe that if people will take an honest look at what Jesus said and did, they will be attracted to him. I hope people become followers of Jesus rather than getting tangled up with “being a Christian” or “going to church”. Jesus told his disciples to “follow me”. That’s what we should do – believe what he taught, and follow his example.

As I have been reading through the book of Matthew this month, I have been struck by the heart of Jesus. The verses above capture this. Do you feel harassed and helpless at times? Jesus has compassion on you. He wants to teach you the truth and heal you. He wants to be your shepherd, caring for you and guiding you in the ways you should go. He loves you.

Wherever you are in your faith, I encourage you to think hard about the “real” Jesus – as revealed in scripture rather than someone’s interpretation. Read one of the gospels over the next few days. He is worth following.

Monday, January 26, 2009

More Than We Can Ask For or Imagine

Ephesians 3:30-21. “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”

Most of us can ask for and imagine a lot! Maybe you have read this verse before and wondered whether you would ever actually see this happen in your life. Is someone you care about sick? You ask God and imagine that person restored to good health. Have you lost your job? You ask God and imagine working in a great job. Is a relationship strained to the breaking point? You ask God and imagine the relationship being as it once was. You think, “What is it that I can’t even imagine?”

I would encourage you to think about a situation that worked out not only in an unexpected manner but with a result that was better than what you had hoped. Further, I would love to read some of these stories in this blog, so write away!

God has done so many remarkable things in my life that I have come to expect the unexpected. At the same time, I have gown to understand that my concept of what is ideal is often far from God’s concept – and his concept is always better!

Just last week I had a situation involving work. I had an opportunity that I saw as having two mutually exclusive outcomes. To accept the opportunity meant having to say no to another activity. To reject the opportunity was the only way I saw of retaining that other activity, which was important to me. So I was praying that God would give me wisdom to choose and that his will would be done.

I never imagined that I could do both. I never even imagined… But God did, and he made it possible for me to do both. As the verse says, to him be the glory, for his power is at work in you and me!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pray for Our Leaders

1 Timothy 2:1-2. “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

Yesterday was a great day in the history of our great nation. President Obama was inspiring in his inaugural address. Regardless of our politics, now is the time to pray for our new president, his cabinet, and for all those in authority. Let’s commit to do that together!

I thought that the perspective below from a conservative, Chuck Dunn, was particularly interesting:

Who would have thought that President Obama’s inaugural address would:
– Have fewer applause lines than most inaugural addresses, but in the light of history will likely earn more accolades than most?
– Contain fewer uses of I than most, but use the collective we to strengthen his leadership more than most?
– Speak – as a Democrat and an African-American – more about personal responsibility and less about individual rights?
– Include fewer references to the role and policies of government and more references to the values needed to restore the quality of government?
– Offer a sometimes conservative, patriotic, and spiritual message to a largely Democratic and Liberal audience?
– Use down-home, colloquial rhetoric to drive home key points during one of America’s most formal occasions?
– Exalt the historic successes of white America in a manner that drew black and white America together?
– Hold out an olive branch to the world, but shrouded with a firm warning?
– Demonstrate personal humility on an occasion filled with pride, pomp and circumstance?
– Show genuine affection and appreciation for his predecessor, when many in the audience held him in contempt?

Lord, we pray for our new president, his advisors and all those in authority. We pray that you will protect them and their families. We pray that you will give them wisdom and compassion to lead well. We pray that your will is done in our nation. Amen.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Jesus Is Our Savior, Not Our Genie

Romans 10:9. “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

I’m not sure where the past two weeks went but I am back! I wanted to share a couple of thoughts about why we should follow Jesus.

Our culture isn’t too big on the concept of sin. In a very pluralistic society where freedom is the paramount value, we generally say that everything that is specifically not prohibited by law is okay. While our culture gains much value and strength from diversity, we have difficulty agreeing on what is right and what is wrong. If something is allowed by the law (or close) and it feels good, do it.

So talking to people about the consequence of sin is a tough sell. Instead, we often talk about God as someone who will make our lives better. That message resonates more with our culture. Unfortunately it’s not always true. Followers of Jesus experience grave illnesses, have relationships that fall apart, lose their jobs, and so on. God’s desire is not for our comfort and convenience. God is interested in a deeply personal and loving relationship with us – and in that relationship, he promises to care for us through life’s ups and downs.

As the verse above suggests, the primary benefit of following Jesus is that we will be saved. From what? From the consequence of our sin (any activity inconsistent with God’s standards). That consequence is death – permanent separation from God.

So while God does in fact love us, we shouldn’t think of him as a genie who will grant us our desires and make our lives better. We need a savior, and his name is Jesus.

Friday, January 2, 2009

God’s Word

Psalm 19:7-8. “The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.”

I wanted to start off the new year with an encouragement to read the Bible regularly. I know that for most of us this is not an easy thing. It sounds like a task or a rule, and we don’t always fully understand what we read, etc.

The verse above gives us four benefits of reading and obeying scripture. These motivate me, and hopefully they will motivate you.

First, our soul will be revived. Our soul is that eternal part of us. The psalmist knew that our soul would tend to tire and wither, carrying burdens and facing challenges. God’s word re-energizes my soul. I need that.

Second, we will gain wisdom. Wisdom is knowledge informed by experience. Godly wisdom is further informed by God. I have made some bad decisions in my life, and I’m sure I will make more in the future. I want God’s wisdom so I can make better decisions.

Third, we will experience joy. Joy is that abiding gladness of the heart that comes from a right perspective of life. Most of the time I get this, but sometimes I’m weighed down by the troubles of life. I want my life to be joyful, not just for my benefit but so that I can encourage others.

Finally, we will see more clearly. Sometimes I feel like I am stumbling around in the dark, not seeing things nor understanding what’s going on around me. This is not a good feeling! I want to be able to see more clearly, because I will avoid pitfalls and gain a better perspective of the world around me.

There are many ways to read through the Bible and many resources to help you (here’s one: Make a decision to read regularly and see how God works!